ICC Logistics Services

UPS and FedEx Holiday Schedules are Here!

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I don’t know about you but the older I get the faster the clock ticks; how is that possible? And, we now enter that time of year commonly call the “holiday season.” For those companies, and individuals who utilize the services of both FedEx and UPS to ship packages during the holiday season, (which is just about everyone), we thought it would be helpful if you had, in advance the 2016 Holiday Schedules for both FedEx and UPS.

These schedules are critical for anyone expecting to ensure their packages arrive in time for the holidayseason. You will now have all of the necessary information to tell you when the carriers are open for business as usual, when they will be closed, when their normal delivery operations will be modified and, what if any restrictions apply.

So if your goal is to ensure your packages are delivered in time for the holiday’s, we suggest you make a copy of these schedules and pin them up where they will be a visual reminder of when you need to make your packages available to the respective carriers.

We’d also like to take this time to wish everyone a very Healthy and Happy Holiday Season.

Learn more by visiting the links below.




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