Tag Archive for: remote controlled ships

Rolls Royce

Remote Controlled Ships Are Now A Thing…. Are We Ready?

Remote-controlled machines seem to be inevitable and many have talked about the use of drones to replace package delivery drivers. Now Rolls Royce is working on developing autonomous ships that will be remote controlled while they are sailing the high seas.

This is an exciting advancement for sure…but are we ready?

I completely understand the need to reduce the emissions that are produced by cargo ships and the idea of developing the technology that will enable them to do this is incredible, but why does it have to be at the cost of removing the human element? After all, a machine is a wonderful invention but in the end it is only as good as the person who developed it. If we leave ourselves in a position where the machines are in control then what will be next?

Read more about Rolls Royce’s new technology here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/driverless-boats-cut-carbon-emissions_us_57238881e4b0b49df6ab23c6?utm_hp_ref=technology/

What do you think?  Are you excited for these advancements or a bit weary? We’d love to hear your thoughts below.