According to the USPS, the following is the January 2018 Price Change Information. For further information, please visit https://pe.usps.com/
The January 2018 Price Change goes into effect on January 21, 2018. New postage statements associated with the January 2018 price change are available on Postal Explorer® at pe.usps.com. The Postage Statement information is in the January 2018 Price Change “Documents” link.
Postage Statement Usage
As of January 21, 2018, new postage statements are required for:
- First-Class Mail®, PS Form 3600 FCM
- Periodicals, PS Form 3541
- International Mail, PS Form 3700
New prices are required for all mailings, no exception. Customers are required to transition to the new postage statements beginning January 21, 2018. Customers who cannot make the change to the new postage statements by January 21, 2018, must apply for an exception through their local BMEU office following the instructions for the January 2018 Price Change Postage Statement Exception Process posted on PostalPro at https://postalpro.usps.gov/Releases/Jan2018Release/psexceptioninstructions.
Plant-Verified Drop Shipment Mailings
In conjunction with the upcoming price change occurring on January 21, 2018, plant-verified drop shipment (PVDS) mailings will be verified and accepted as follows:
Current Prices — PVDS mailings verified and paid for before January 21, 2018, using the current prices, will be accepted at destination entry postal facilities through Monday, February 5, 2018, when presented using eInduction® or eVS® processes or with appropriate verification and payment documentation (PS Form 8125 or PS Form 8017).
New Prices — PVDS mailings may be verified and paid for beginning January 7, 2018, using the new prices, provided the shipments, when presented using eInduction or eVS processes, or with appropriate verification and payment documentation (PS Form 8125 or PS Form 8017), are not deposited at destination entry postal facilities before January 21, 2018.
- For mailings with electronic documentation, mailers must enter a Mail Arrival Date that is on or afterJanuary 21, 2018.
- For mailings with hard copy postage statements, USPS® acceptance employees must enter a Mail Arrival Date that is on or after January 21, 2018.
Questions concerning the exception process can be directed to the HQMailEntry mailbox.