The USPS Postage Rate Price List effective July 14

USPS Announces New Mailing Service Price Changes

WASHINGTON, DC — The U.S. Postal Service filed notice with the Postal Regulatory Commission of mailing services price changes to take effect July 14, 2024. The new rates have been accepted and include a 5-cent increase in the price of a First-Class Mail Forever stamp from 68 cents to 73 cents.

The proposed adjustments, approved by the governors of the Postal Service, will raise mailing services product prices by approximately 7.8 percent. The price changes include:

Sure, here’s the chart in a format you can copy:

  • Product
  • Letters (1 oz.)
  • Letters (metered 1 oz.)
  • Domestic Postcards
  • International Postcards
  • International Letter (1 oz.)
  • Current Prices
  • 68 cents
  • 64 cents
  • 53 cents
  • $1.55
  • $1.55
  • Planned Prices
  • 73 cents
  • 69 cents
  • 56 cents
  • $1.65
  • $1.65

Click here for the FULL price list

The additional-ounce price for single-piece letters increases from 24 cents to 28 cents. The Postal Service has also sought price adjustments for Special Services products, including Certified Mail and money order fees. Notably, there will be no price increase for Post Office Box rental fees, and the Postal Service will apply a price reduction of 10 percent for postal insurance when mailing an item.

As changes in the mailing and shipping marketplace continue, these price adjustments are needed to achieve the financial stability sought by the organization’s Delivering for America 10-year plan.

The complete Postal Service price filing, with prices for all products, can be found on the commission’s website under the Daily Listings section. The Mailing Services filing is Docket No. R2024-2. The price tables are also available on the Postal Service’s Postal Explorer website at

Postal Products

Customers may purchase stamps and other philatelic products through the Postal Store at, by calling 844-737-7826, by mail through USA Philatelic, or at Post Office locations nationwide. For officially licensed stamp products, shop the USPS Officially Licensed Collection on Amazon.

The Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®), International Mail Manual (IMM®), and DMM Advisories are available on Postal Explorer® (

Discover essential strategies for shippers to ensure optimal carrier support and responsiveness.

Optimize Carrier Support With Expert Logistics Solutions

All shippers have certain expectations for their carriers. It is fair to expect that your carrier will provide solid, high level on time performance at competitive rates. It is also common to expect your carriers to support your operational needs and have the capacity to handle your volumes throughout the year. Basically, these are “table stakes” that shippers consider when choosing a carrier.

But, one of the items that shippers don’t often think about is what they should expect as far as representation and customer support from their carriers. Obviously, the type of representation that a shipper would require is based on the amount of volume they ship as well as the type of products they are shipping. For example, high volume pharmaceutical or perishable products shippers typically require a higher level of support and responsiveness compared to other shippers.

However, all shippers should expect to have some level of support for their account. As we all know, things don’t always go perfectly in the shipping world! There is nothing worse than having an issue with a customer shipment, and not being able get it resolved. Not only is it frustrating for the shipper, but it is most likely also frustrating for the consignee/customer. Failure to rectify issues can result in lost customers and long term revenue losses.

Unfortunately, it seems that these days’ carriers are providing less and less direct support for shippers of all sizes. So whether you are a large Enterprise shipper, or a Small or Medium size business, you probably have seen a decline in the amount of direct support that you are seeing from your carriers.

There seems to be an ongoing trend with carriers to reduce the amount of customer facing people that they employ. Local account reps are being replaced with support teams that only communicate via phone, on-line, or email. Many carriers have implemented on-line processes that eliminates work that local reps had done in the past. Also, a lot of carrier support contacts are being moved off-shore.

In the past, larger Enterprise customers had a team of people that supported their account that included a main Manager or Director that oversaw a group of resources that could assist with a variety of customer needs. The Enterprise team often included support for Technology, Reporting/Analysis, International shipping activity, and more.

Over the years, we have seen these teams reduced, in conjunction with the Manager/Director being tasked with handling more accounts. There appears to be an ongoing trend with carriers to “do more with less.” We constantly here from shippers that they have difficulty getting in touch with their reps, or that their reps take a long time to get back to them. In our eyes, this is totally unacceptable given the many ways that people can communicate these days.

It’s pretty obvious why carriers have been making efforts to streamline their support processes. It’s all about reducing overhead costs. The good news is that most carriers have been generous and have passed the benefit of these cost reduction efforts onto their customers!! Oh wait that’s not true, this is totally fake news!

Actually, the exact opposite appears to be true, many carriers have implemented record level rate increases while at the same time reducing representation and support. How nice! So now the carrier’s efforts to “do more with less” is resulting in shippers getting “less for more!”

So, what does this mean for the shipper, and what should you do?

All shippers should expect to have resources assigned to their account to deal with the day to day problems that can occur in our world of constant transportation disruptions! When choosing a carrier, one should ensure that the carrier will be able to provide the level of support that is appropriate for their volumes, type of products, and expectations.

Here are some recommendations to help ensure that shippers receive the level of support that is appropriate for their shipping volumes.

  1. Document Expectations- Before signing a new agreement, provide your carrier with your customer support requirements “IN WRITING.” High volume shippers, pharmaceutical/ perishable shippers might even have customer support guidelines included in their agreement. Either way, it is imperative that support expectations and needs are documented up front.
  2. Have a Plan- Ask your rep to put together a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), that outlines all of your operational and support requirements. This document should include pick up times, names and phone numbers for operations contacts, names and phone numbers/emails for all customer support channels and contacts, and any other crucial details that define your needs for support.
  3. Chain of Command- The big carriers have multiple layers in their sales/support functions. Ask for names and contact information for your main representative’s boss up front. If your rep knows that you have their boss’s information, you might expect them to be a little more responsive to you. The more contacts that you have at levels above your main resource the better.
  4. Give Your Rep a Chance- If your representative is not getting back to you, or is not meeting your expectations, it is fair to have a heart to heart with them. You don’t need to disrespect the chain of command right away. This might only sour the relationship that you have with your rep. The conversation might sound like “Hey Mr./Ms. Rep, you know that when we agreed to sign with your company, we spoke about the support and responsiveness that we expected/required. I have to tell you that we don’t feel like you are living up to the conditions that we agreed to. I figured that I would give you a chance before I escalated the concern above you.”
  5. Take it up the Ladder- If the conversation with your rep does not fix the problem, use the contact names and numbers that you obtained as described above. You don’t need to immediately throw your rep under the bus. If you think it’s appropriate, you might say something like “Hey I’m not sure if you have our rep spread too thin, but we are having a hard time getting in touch with them/having trouble with his/her responsiveness”. Or, “not sure if our rep is out of pocket or something, but I haven’t heard back from them in X days.”
  6. Don’t be a Stranger- Most sales reps like to have regular meetings with their customers. Having a formal/regular meeting can only help to strengthen the relationship with your rep and their company. This is an opportunity for them to learn more about your business, and for them to tell you about what is happening with their company. Maybe they will even have the chance to sell you on a new product or service! So, encourage your rep to set up regular meetings with you. This could be done either in person, or online. Either way, get some dates on the calendar for the whole year to ensure that this happens.

It really comes down to building a complete strategy for your engagements with carriers. Don’t just concentrate on pricing, discounts, and agreement terms and conditions. Taking a holistic approach to your carrier relationships will help to ensure that you are able to provide your customers with the best service and shipping costs possible. A solid carrier engagement strategy will help drive long term success and maximum profits not only for your company, but for the carriers as well.

Ready to ensure you receive the support and service you deserve from your carriers? ICC Logistics Services offers a range of solutions to help you maximize efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Contact us today to learn how our expert services can benefit your business.

LTL, Truckload and International Freight Audit Services

Three Major Mistakes LTL Shippers Make & How to Avoid Them

Transportation and logistics executives are under immense pressure, grappling with skyrocketing freight carrier rates and relentless cost-cutting demands. Missing savings targets has become all too common. Yet, by steering clear of these common pitfalls, significant improvements can be made. Here are three major mistakes to avoid:

Mistake 1: Failing to Plan and Measure

The Problem: Many companies lack accurate projections for freight expenses and have poor coordination between departments. This results in higher costs and inefficiencies.

The Solution:

Mistake 2: Inadequate Invoice Audit Controls

The Problem: Internal audit processes often fail to ensure freight invoices are accurate. This can lead to lost discounts and additional fees.

The Solution:

  • Automate Audits: Implement automated invoice auditing solutions to ensure accuracy.
  • Train Staff: Ensure your accounts payable team understands freight bill elements and can validate them correctly.
  • Use Technology: Leverage machine learning to identify discrepancies and optimize payment schedules.

Mistake 3: Failing to Ask for Help

The Problem: Many companies don’t use outside resources to control freight costs, missing out on potential savings.

The Solution:

  • Leverage Experts: Partner with third-party logistics providers (3PLs) and freight audit firms. They can offer benchmarking capabilities and cost-saving strategies.
  • Cost Efficiency: Studies show that using third-party firms can reduce invoice processing costs from $7.00 to less than $1.00 per invoice.
  • Post-Audit Services: Use post-audit services to find and recover overcharges missed during initial audits.

To control rising shipping costs in 2024, it’s essential to plan, evaluate, and set realistic goals. By avoiding these common pitfalls, companies can achieve their goals and stay within budget. A little upfront planning and expert help can make a big difference.

Ready to optimize your logistics operations and cut costs? Contact us today to find out how we can help you avoid these pitfalls and achieve your goals.

Small Parcel Audit

Optimizing Your Business Health with a Follow Up Exam

Follow Up Exam

Last month, we released the article, Optimize Your Business Health: Why Now is the Perfect Time for a Small Parcel Transportation Checkup, that drew parallels between personal health, and the health of the Small Parcel marketplace. In this article we pointed out how important it is to pay close attention to your Small Parcel Transportation program and market place, the same way that you should pay close attention to your own health. Failure to do so in either case could have long lasting, dire results.

So, our question is, have you been following the news in the Small Parcel market for the past month? Are you aware of the potential epidemic that could be coming your way? If not, you could be heading for trouble a lot quicker than you think!

Call an Ambulance???

Just like your own health, the conditions of the Small Parcel Market can change very quickly. So, it is important to check the temperature of the market, and take appropriate actions based on the results. If you checked your own temperature and noticed that you were running a fever of 102 degrees, would you just ignore it?? Most likely not. You might take an aspirin and get some rest. If this didn’t help, you would probably call your Doctor.

Our blog presented a pretty solid case that demonstrated that the temperature of the Small Parcel marketplace was pretty hot. The fever for packages being driven by UPS and FedEx’s attempts to improve their financials, created the need for shippers to consider a visit with a qualified professional, or in the case of the Small Parcel Market… an expert Logistics consultant!

At this point, if you have ignored the symptoms of a potential illness, you could be facing a trip to the Emergency Room! Failure to gain control over your parcel rates now, could lead to more serious issues in the future. Once again, you are probably wondering where we are going with this!

Based on what we are hearing; we feel that there are some pretty serious things brewing that could lead to a major down turn in the health of the Small Parcel market place.   We are referring to the changes being considered and proposed by the United States Postal Service (USPS).

Basically, the USPS is pushing for an increase in rates for their Parcel Select Service. This is a shipping solution typically used by high volume shippers, or consolidators to inject packages deeper into the USPS network vs. injecting them close to the shipper’s origin location. These packages are dropped off at USPS regional sorting facilities that are closer to consignees, or even at local Post Office locations (or DDU’s/ Destination Delivery Units as the USPS calls them).

On May 10th, the U.S, Postal Service filed notice with the Postal Regulatory Commission, (PRC) for Parcel Select price changes to take effect July 14, 2024. The proposed rates include an average 25-percent increase for Parcel Select service.  The proposed increases for Parcel Select packages being dropped at local Post Offices/ DDU’s are as much as 43%!

It appears that the USPS is attempting to make it unattractive for consolidators to inject packages at certain facilities. There is speculation that they are pushing to improve their profit margins by forcing consolidators to inject packages further upstream, at a higher cost.

Some companies and services that utilize USPS Parcel Select service include; DHL e-commerce, OSM Worldwide, Amazon, Pitney Bowes, UPS Mail Innovations, and UPS SurePost and more.

Don’t think that your safe since you’ve been vaccinated!

Some folks that are reading this might be thinking, “I’m immune from the impact of this, since I don’t use any of these carriers or services.” Sorry but that shot that you received a while back is not going to help you. Neither will the booster! All shippers could be infected/ affected by the changes being proposed by the USPS.

If these increases go through, it could have a big impact on capacity for carriers in the Small Parcel Market. For example, UPS may choose to move more SurePost packages that are normally delivered by the USPS back into their own Small Parcel delivery network, which would decrease capacity for all UPS shippers.

What would Amazon do with the packages that they normally hand over to the USPS? They could pass this volume over to other carriers as well.  The bottom line is that this could lead to decreased capacity in the Small Parcel market, and everyone knows that decreased capacity = increased rates!

For shippers using any of these consolidation services, they will surely be hit with major price increases from their carriers if this proposed pricing is approved. So, the bottom line is that this could have a ripple effect on pricing across the entire Small Parcel market place.

There is a lot of debate online regarding whether or not these increases will be approved by the PRC. There are also questions regarding how these changes might impact existing agreements that the USPS has with the big users of these services. Obviously there are many people and companies opposed to this. There is also a lot of concern that this could further damage the profits of the already struggling USPS.

So, these increases are not imminent. However, just as one should not ignore things that could impact their own health, they should not ignore things that could have a negative impact on the health of their Transportation program or company profits!

Should I go for surgery or just Another Booster?

Once again, shippers are left to consider their options and precautionary measures that they should be taking. There are many different questions that shippers should be asking themselves now. For example, should I be considering alternatives to services that utilize USPS Parcel Select now? If I’m not using these services, is my current carrier agreement going to protect me from unforeseen increases? Will my current Transportation program protect me from tightening capacity in the Parcel Market? What cost cutting measures can I take now, to offset increases that could be driven by these potential increases?

As you can see, there are a lot of complexities to consider with this scenario. The whole situation could be considered pretty scary, given the unknown outcomes. This is not any different than the uncertainty and fear that one can experience when diagnosed with a potentially serious illness. But when this happens with your health, what do you do? Most rational human beings will turn to the experts to determine the best course of action.

Do we really need to provide any more insight regarding how you should handle this? As we stressed in our last blog, we don’t charge any copay for our thorough Transportation and Logistics examination. Also, the outcomes of our engagements are always positive. So, please reach out to us today to take advantage of the free transportation health insurance that we offer to avoid out of control cost increases!

Securing the Future of Logistics: Combating Profit Loss with Enhanced Data Capture

The logistics sector, a complex web of moving parts and critical data flows, faces significant vulnerabilities due to inadequate data capture. This issue is not just about inefficiency; it represents a financial black hole, potentially draining an average of $12.9 million annually from businesses due to substandard data quality. 

The Costly Consequences of Poor Data Capture: 

The ramifications of inadequate data capture are extensive. Mislabeling products and inventory discrepancies lead to inflated operational costs and slow decision-making. This necessitates a shift toward more effective data capture strategies to prevent further financial hemorrhage. 

Harnessing Analytics for Strategic Advantage: 

Predictive analytics and big data have become essential tools for supply chain managers, offering the ability to sift through vast datasets and improve logistics operations. These technologies foster better carrier selection, enhanced risk management, and provide the agility to respond to market dynamics in real-time, ensuring competitive advantage. 

The Ripple Effect of Data Capture Failures: 

Despite 41% of logistics professionals prioritizing data analysis, the effectiveness of these analytics is often undercut by poor data capture practices. Substandard data collection acts as a bottleneck, distorting essential information flows and leading to strategic missteps such as inefficient carrier routes and inaccurate risk assessments. These errors threaten both immediate operations and long-term strategic positioning in a data-centric industry. 

Operational Inefficiencies and Their Impact on the Workforce: 

Errors in data capture multiply operational inefficiencies, escalating costs, and reducing profit margins. Beyond financial impacts, these inefficiencies contribute to employee burnout, highlighting the necessity for improved data systems. Enhancing data capture not only supports financial health but also improves job satisfaction and compliance, fostering a resilient, employee-friendly logistics environment. 

AI and Machine Learning: Pioneers of the New Frontier: 

The adoption of AI and machine learning in logistics transcends traditional upgrades, marking a significant shift towards advanced demand forecasting and risk management. By 2028, the AI in logistics market is projected to reach $17.5 billion, reflecting the transformative impact of these technologies on industry profitability and resilience. 

Embracing Change for Enhanced Profitability: The logistics industry cannot afford to overlook the critical issue of poor data capture. Embracing technological advancements in data analysis is essential for navigating market unpredictability and securing a profitable, sustainable future. 

Interested in elevating your logistics operations? Contact us today to discover how our expert solutions can optimize your supply chain and boost your bottom line.

Strategic Approach to Reverse Logistics

Turning Returns to Revenue: Mastering Reverse Logistics

Reverse logistics plays a crucial role in logistics and supply chain management, though it’s often overlooked. As companies seek more efficiency and cost savings, being good at managing returns is becoming vital for a competitive edge. This blog looks closely at reverse logistics, providing a clear industry outlook and practical strategies for businesses wanting to improve this key operation.

The Rise of Reverse Logistics

Reverse logistics involves moving goods back to the company for return, repair, recycling, or disposal. It’s become essential in logistics. With the growth of e-commerce and changes in consumer expectations, managing returns efficiently is more important than ever.

The reverse logistics market is growing due to more returns, stricter rules, and increased focus on sustainability. This growth brings new opportunities and challenges for businesses.

Top Strategies for Better Reverse Logistics

  1. Clear Return Policies: Have easy-to-understand return policies. Clearly state the process, including time limits and rules, to reduce confusion and make returns smoother.
  2. Efficient Processing: Make your return process quicker and more cost-effective. Use technology that helps speed up and improve the accuracy of processing returns.
  3. Use Data Analytics: Apply analytics to find out why returns happen. Spotting trends can lead to changes in product design, packaging, or customer service, reducing the number of returns.
  4. Build Strong Partnerships: Work closely with logistics providers, suppliers, and third-party services. A strong network helps manage the flow of information and products better, increasing efficiency.
  5. Eco-Friendly Practices: Focus on environmentally friendly ways to handle returns. Methods like refurbishing can help the environment and cut costs.
  6. Adopt New Technologies: Embrace the latest technologies to manage reverse logistics better. Automated systems and real-time tracking can significantly improve efficiency.

Taking a Strategic Approach

Mastering reverse logistics is vital and strategic. By taking proactive steps and investing in the right technologies and partnerships, businesses can turn reverse logistics into an advantage. This leads to cost savings and better customer loyalty.

We are here to help your business overcome these challenges. With careful planning, straightforward policies, and innovative technologies, you can manage reverse logistics confidently and succeed over the long term.

Contact us today